genre: reggae | rock | funk
label: unsigned

High and Lifted
The Golden Rule
I can see it now, the mighty Sasquatch, just minding his own business, is traipsing around the forests of the Pacific Northwest and stumbles upon a group of unsuspecting campers grooving to the sound stylings of Shelton, WA’s High Ceiling. At first, he’d be pissed (damn Paparazzi chasing him around again) but then, after catching an earful of HC, he’d settle right down and commence to grooving right along side his evolved brethren and sistas!
With Illusion, their 2nd studio offering, Trail Black, brother Joel, Frank Fox, Gabe Olson and Bob Wake embark on a musical journey that is sure to captivate the hearts of roots enthusiasts as well as the jam band devotees. Theirs is a true fusion that draws inspiration from reggae, rock, and funk, with just a hint of trance thrown in for good measure. Wanna get away? Pop this disc in and enjoy the ride!
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