[itunes link=”http://itunes.apple.com/us/artist/bad-brains/id6562656?uo=4″ title=”Bad Brains on iTunes “]
This is one of my all time favourite bands…and one of my all time favourite songs! I distinctly remember waiting up all night to catch this video the first time it aired on MTV’s 120 Minutes. It was so worth it.
I was fortunate to catch HR sit in with Fishbone a few months back when they visited 930 Club in Washington, DC. They did a version pf “Banned in DC” that was truly epic. So glad I was there to see it live. There are very few bands, if any, around today that could pull of what Bad Brains did back in the day. They’re a bit older, a bit wiser…but still rockin out loud!
– Drago