Category: funk
Take Your Moon Shoes to Boogie Land
Maybe it’s nostalgia, but I love watching the legendary Soul Train dance line. Those guys were avant-garde trendsetting pre-hipster hipsters and utter fashion freak show train wrecks all at the same time. And now the line has a new soundtrack thanks to MoonShoes (aka Gilles Paulet). Frenchman Gilles Paulet truly is the author and finisher…
Smooth Like Butter
A good friend of mine from Sharpsburg, MD (which is not at the end of the world but you can, in fact, see it from there) turned me on to these cats recently and all I can say is…wow. The Golden Butter Band’s ability to flow effortlessly between rock and reggae is truly jamalicious. As…
Flashback :: NYC's Urban Blight
It was a Saturday, many moons ago. I remember sitting at home and, after counting all of the ceiling tiles in the family room, quickly determined that I was bored out of my skull. It got the point where even hard labour was starting to sound appealing. Was anyone going to call? Finally, there it…
If Bigfoot Is Real, He'd Be Digging High Ceiling
genre: reggae | rock | funk label: unsigned Illusions High and Lifted The Golden Rule I can see it now, the mighty Sasquatch, just minding his own business, is traipsing around the forests of the Pacific Northwest and stumbles upon a group of unsuspecting campers grooving to the sound stylings of Shelton, WA’s High Ceiling. …
Alternative Folk Funk From the Far East
Oliver Benjamin Thayer delivers a truly eclectic indie sound with selections from his most recent release, 12 Women